BOSKKE ➝ Growing a well-known single product business into a lifestyle brand.
Following a decade of success with their innovative and iconic SkyPlanter, a clever upturned planter, Boskke were struggling to move beyond.
The company didn’t have a clearly defined reason for being, a definition for the whole team to rally around. They didn’t have the evaluative tools to test new product concepts against.

We started by gaining alignment on a brand definition and strategy, giving the team a clarity of vision ‘To introduce abundant plant life into the cities of tomorrow’ and a focus for future inventions. Opening up the opportunity for product innovation within different sectors of the market and collaborations with other established brands.

We introduced a new art directional language playing up to Boskke’s newly defined mission to ‘continually re-imagine and reinvent the definition of gardening’, with a joyful attitude and refreshed colour palette.
We developed a new stripped-back packaging system to provide clarity and equality amongst all their products. Each feature the iconic silhouettes of the product, amplifying the clever concealed systems hidden inside every one.