SERIOUS TISSUES ➝ Working with the team behind Change Please, we designed a new brand aiming to fight climate change and deforestation, one 100% recycled loo-roll at a time.
Serious Tissues was named to insinuate the serious issues our world faces with the devastating effects of climate change. A world where we’re chopping down 27,000 trees a day just to wipe our arses. Literally flushing away 10m trees each year. The initial proposition was simple and distinct; for every one recycled toilet roll bought from Serious Tissues – one tree is planted.
As any startup would tell you there’s never the perfect time to launch – but March 2020 would have to chart as one of the most challenging. The world changed overnight. Fortunately Serious Tissues was able and ready to pivot their business model to meet an even more pressing need – supporting the heavily Covid impacted NHS. All profits from sales currently go to NHS Charities Together Covid 19 Urgent Appeal.

The high adaptability of the company may well continue to be a defining behaviour and the brand identity is well equipped to similarly flex and evolve. The simple, universal roll icon is used as a core identifying element but can be used as a holder for almost any additional iconography. Right now it’s the medical cross connoting the NHS connection, next it might be the planted tree.
Far from trying to enshrine the humble toilet roll with a trendy instagrammable wrapper – we defined a visual language that was far more urgent and arresting, set beside a far less ‘serious’ tone-of-voice. Encouraging over anarchy.
Watch this space in coming weeks as the brand is set to pivot their model again – continuing to change the world from our toilet seats.